"Roots are the branches down in the earth. Branches are roots in the air."
"The roots below the earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful."
Stray Birds by Rabindranath Tagore

"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles overcome whilst trying to succeed." Booker T Washington
“When I make a decision, I am resolved to carry out that decision, until all avenues of achieving it have been exhausted, whether I fail or succeed, and THEN I rest.” Dedrick D. L. Pitter
"At the moment when you feel like you have reached the point of absolute exhaustion, inspire yourself to take one last step, and that is when you have successfully arrived to the next level.” Master Jin Kwon
"The mind is but a barren soil a soil which is soon exhausted, and will produce no crop, or only one, unless it be continually fertilized and enriched with foreign matter."
Sir Joshua Reynolds
"Love will immediately enter into any mind that truly wants it.” A Course in Miracles.
‎"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” Mark Twain
"The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.” Abraham Maslow
"If you rest, you rust." Helen Hayes
"Labor more in the spirit than you do in anything else because your efforts in spirit will everlastingly abide." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"If you want insight ask insightful questions." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." Dale Carnegie
“The most fulfilling rewards come from excellence.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“Love pure-petuates life.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“True forgiveness is when you can say, "Thank you for that experience.” Oprah Winfrey
"You can build a fortune through the aid of laws which are immutable." Napoleon Hill
“Love honors fidelity.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“Believe with all of the faith of thy whole soul that you can overcome persecution.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“The best thing about helping others is getting to know them.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“Successful people have the ability to have purposeful fun.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“Love kills bad habits.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“Work with positive ideas until you can commit to them. Be flexible and be patient.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“Dreams work.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“It’s not worth having dreams if you are not willing to work for them.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“People that dream hard usually work hard.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
"God always takes the simplest way.” Albert Einstein
"God didn't make a mistake when He made you. You need to see yourself as God sees you.” Joel Osteen
"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” Saint Augustine
"You can't kill time without injuring eternity.” Anon
"Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.” Voltaire
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; unbelief, in denying them.” George Eliot
"I had therefore to remove knowledge, in order to make room for belief.” Immanuel Kant
"Envy comes from people's ignorance of, or lack of belief in, their own gifts.” Jean Vanier
"He does not believe that does not live according to his belief.” Sigmund Freud
"Just as no one can be forced into belief, so no one can be forced into unbelief.” Sigmund Freud
"One person with a belief is equal to ninety-nine who have only interests.” John Stuart Mill
"It is my own firm belief that the strength of the soul grows in proportion as you subdue the flesh.” Mahatma Gandhi

"One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.” Joan of Arc

"Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man.” Thomas Paine
"Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture." Lydia M. Child
"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen." Muhammad Ali
"If it weren't for your doubts you might not have any beliefs." Garry M. Perza Jr.
“It is better be to be wise than smart and loving than wise.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
"If you don't invest very much, then defeat doesn't hurt very much and winning is not very exciting." - Dick Vermeil
"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, & having fun." ~ML Cook

“There’s nothing more meaningful than love.” Garry M. Perza Jr.

"Never stop turning to God." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"Accept yourself but reject your sinful behaviors. Therein lies that secret to joy, love, and happiness." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"As easily as you can set your feet to paths of wickedness so can you also just as easily set your feet to works of holiness, love, and everlasting joy." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"It's amazing what you can accomplish when you're committed to doing it." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"Vanity and vain ambitious couldn't ever possibly quench our divine nature." Garry M. Perza Jr.
“It’s amazing how much time you can avoid wasting by having a plan.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
"If you want to change your results look into changing your routines." Garry M. Perza Jr.
“Emotion is both the fuel and the goal of action. Make sure to sandwich every goal between two awesome emotions for both the before and the after.” Garry M. Perza Jr.

"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how many people you brought with you.” Dr. Wil Rose

"Thoughts are as mind altering as the most destructive drug and as healing and useful as the most powerful medicine. Be picky about the thoughts you think." Garry M. Perza Jr.
“You are whatever you are being, feeling, thinking, and doing at any given moment.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“If you are tired of being insecure you have to lock yourself into the mindset, thoughts, emotions, and actions of security.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“We all have the power to take control of our lives at any moment and make them look more like we want them to.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“Time spent in the pursuit of your dreams is never wasted no matter the results that you produce with it.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
"God has the power to give you better things than whatever you have heretofore fathome, and or desired, but you need trust him for this type of miracle to happen according to his will, as seemeth him fit for you." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"If you are not motivated to accomplish your goals you need to reinvent them to include greater incentives. Even if your goals take longer to achieve at least then they will be worth your hard work." Garry M. Perza Jr.

"Giving patience is one of the kindest ways of showing your love to others." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"Be special and trials will have a positive affect on your character and you will fly up like a phoenix out of the fire of affliction all the better for every minute of what was hate turning into love but felt like torture." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"You need never fear what's ahead when you know that God will always be near." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"When we serve God everyone wins." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"Action activates the mind better than any other thing." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"Trials mark the pathway to triumphant and inspiring human greatness." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"It is in the hour of temptation that ye must not forget the Lord thy God." Garry M. Perza Jr.

“You can never be greater than your goals. That’s why it’s important that you are setting and achieving excellent goals.” Garry M. Perza Jr.
“If you give up your sins starting with your most favorite first you will find a closeness to God that you never knew was possible.” Garry M. Perza Jr.

"The amount of time allotted as a window for healthy grieving is ever so small. When it's time to let go and move on have the wisdom and the courage that are essential to do so. The quality of your future depends on how well you break ties with whatever those things are in your past that are currently still haunting you. You've got to totally let go to have the strength necessary to move forward! Doing this is a challenge that is always worth you efforts!" Garry M. Perza Jr.
Jason Winkle Larry, you need to start a business where you write the speeches for motivational speakers.
"Seeings how God gives us our breath wouldn't you think he would also give us motivation to do his will when we need it most? This is the blessing of faith." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"Prayer itself is a turning and an opening of our hearts towards God in a form of purity of our soul. Anyone can pray. We are all less than God. We must pray to know him. We must know him and his love to be motivated to obey him that we too may become as he is." Garry M. Perza Jr.
‎"Give your dreams your best efforts during the day and you'll go to bed happy and satisfied! " Garry M. Perza Jr.
"Regret doesn't make the past get any better." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"Works of righteousness naturally position God's saints near him by way of similitudal emulation. When we obey God's law we naturally become like him in all of his greatness one very small step at a time. Our current direction is more important to God than the missteps of our past. Look beyond your follies to a day of ultimate perfection for it is not far distant. Soon the Son of Man cometh in all his glory to redeem all those who have put their faith in him and tried his works to do even in endless weakness. Do not get discouraged when you fall short of the glory of God because he has prepared a way for us to be at one with him again assuming we change our ways enough that we again see eye to eye with him in all honor, meekness, and tender sobering charity." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"When you read the word of the Lord you always get more than you give up in time. Of what worth is time without an long lasting vision or plan based on faith?" Garry M. Perza Jr.
"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love." Max Muller
Tell me about your goals and dreams in a message and I will encourage you! I want to know what it is that's important to you and what you care about...
"Celestial beings forgive." Garry M. Perza Jr.
"Heavenly people influence with love." Garry M. Perza Jr.
What inspires you to keep going when you want to give up? I feel unstoppable right now. I want to hear what your inspiration is. Thanks!
Why do you do what you do?
Would you like to think big and make things happen?
“There is a positive emotional response to every situation.” Garry M. Perza Jr.

“If you can choose between a positive or a negative emotion choose the positive one. You always have a choice.” Garry M. Perza Jr.